How do you convince talented IT workers that the brightest job option isn’t that sexy startup down the block, but the conservative insurance company with a 125-year history?
This recruiting campaign featured sleek, colorful designs that were a departure from our traditional lifestyle recruitment materials. It paired actual code, geometric illustration and lifestyle photography with simple, knowledgeable writing voice. The brochure, banners and promotional microfiber stood out on the recruiting trail and created additional interest and applications for some of the company’s most competitive technology jobs.
To reinforce the message that WoodmenLife (formerly Woodmen of the World) was looking for just the right candidate, we encoded the call to action in Base64 code. When decoded, it reads, “Seriously, contact Woodmen of the World Recruiting at 402.661.8395 or wowjobs@woodmen.org for more information.”

Design Supervisor: Joe Bavaresco
Copywriter: Liz Perry
Copywriter: Liz Perry